看漢教育服務有限公司 (看漢教育) 特別為母語非華語學生編寫及設計的一套完整網上漢語學習平台。整套教材共分為廣東話版本及普通話版本, 並提供簡體及繁體字的電子教材。 平台共分為六個級別,內容由淺入深,並著重每個學習程度的漢語知識。每個級別的教材在語言訓練方面各有側重, 並同時兼顧學生聽、說、讀、寫能力的培養及及中國語文學習的均衡發展。

Developed by KanHan Educational Service Limited (KanHan EDU), “KanHan iChinese Platform” is a comprehensive web based Chinese language curriculum designed especially for non-native Chinese speaking students not following Chinese language curriculum designated for local Chinese students. The iChinese curriculum is graded into six levels of difficulty with spoken contents delivered in either Cantonese or Putonghua and choice of either Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese in writing text. The platform aims to improve students Chinese language skills progressively on listening, speaking, writing and reading.

級別一至級別二將重點放在聽、說訓練上,同時潛移默化地進行讀音及認漢字、寫漢字的教學,逐漸增加學生的漢語詞彙量。 經過這兩個級別的學習,學生基本上可以運用普通話或粵語來進行簡單交流,並掌握常用漢字的讀音及書寫,漢語拼音亦在這兩級別內教授予學習普通話的學生。

Practicing listening and speaking are the two key learning objectives in Level 1 and 2. Lessons focus in the teaching of commonly used Chinese characters for writing and conversation in simple communication. Chinese Pinyin (phonetic symbols) is taught for Putonghua stream.

級別三至六對學生聽說讀寫漢語的能力進行全面的訓練。通過學習課文,學生可進一步擴大中文詞彙量及運用漢語的能力;提供一些短小有趣的閱讀文章供學生閱讀, 一方面培養學生良好的閱讀習慣,使其掌握基本的閱讀技巧,另一方面讓學生受到中國文化的薰陶,增加學習漢語的樂趣及動機。同時,學生的寫作也將實現由句到段的飛躍。

Lessons in Level 3 to Level 6 provide comprehensive training in the usage of Chinese with progressively expanded vocabulary. The lessons are further complemented with short readings themed on Chinese cultures and daily living to arouse students’ interest and motivation in learning Chinese and to foster regular reading habit as the base of acquiring writing skill.

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